The ARG-tech tool for Online Visualisation of Argument, OVA, is released today. For the past eighteen months, OVA has been in use in beta form by research groups and educators around the world, with their feedback and suggestions helping to improve the software.
OVA provides a simple and intuitive interface for analysing argumentation, and is a native Argument Web tool which means that it can interact with the wide variety of other applications and systems which use AIF, including Araucaria, Argublogging, argugrader and others.
OVA runs in a browser and can be used to analyse text files or web pages. It provides argumentation schemes for capturing stereotypical patterns of reasoning, and also conflict schemes for capturing patterns of rebutting and undercutting attack. Analyses can be saved locally or directly to the Argument Web where they can be navigated using the AIFdb search interface, corpus management and other tools. It also supports online collaborative working, allowing remote teams to work together on argument analysis in real time.
OVA can be found online at http://ova.arg-tech.org (or, if you would rather play with a test deployment that does not add its data to the live Argument Web servers, you can try http://test.ova.arg-tech.org)
This is the first public release of OVA, and as usual we are keen to get comments and feedback.
A short video introducing OVA is also available.