Brian Plüss joins ARG-tech

Posted by chris on June 5, 2017

We are delighted to welcome Brian Plüss to the ARG-tech team. Brian joins us as Postdoctoral Research Associate to take part in the Augmented Deliberative Democracy (ADD-up) project. Funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, between 2017 and 2020, Brian will combine argumentation mining, analyses and visualisations to augment complex public deliberations in real time, working in collaboration with researchers in linguistics and political communication from the University of Konstanz and the University of Goettingen, Germany.

Before joining ARG-tech, Brian was Research Associate at The Open University’s Knowledge Media Institute, working in the EPSRC-funded Election Debate Visualisation project, in collaboration with researchers in Political Communication and Design from the University of Leeds. Brian has a PhD from The Open University’s Computing and Communications Department for the thesis “A Computational Model of Non-Cooperation in Natural Language Dialogue”. In his doctoral research, he specialised in analysing and modelling non-cooperation in political interviews. Before this, he obtained a MSc in computer science at the National University of Rosario, Argentina. He has carried out research on virtual human systems at USC’s Institute for Creative Technologies in Los Angeles, California, and on software architectures and formal methods in Portugal, Argentina and Finland. From 2001 to 2004, he worked as a software engineer for ATX Software in Lisbon, Portugal.

Debela Tesfaye joins ARG-tech

Posted by chris on April 25, 2017

We are delighted to welcome Debela Tesfaye to the ARG-tech team. Debela joins us from the University of Addis Ababa where he worked remotely with Michael Zock and others on meronyms, synonyms and other syntactic and semantic relations. He will be working as a PhD student on the topic of argument mining.

XCI 2017: Explainable Computational Intelligence

Posted by chris on March 30, 2017

Martin Pereira Farina and Chris Reed are organising a workshop on explainable computational intelligence that aims to connect natural language generation, fuzzy systems and previously impenetrable AI systems that are typically seen only as black boxes.

The XCI2017 workshop will be held at INLG 2017 in Santiago de Compostela on 4 September 2017 and the deadline for submissions is 2 June 2017.

Randy Harris visiting

Posted by chris on March 22, 2017

We’re delighted to welcome Prof. Randy Harris from the University of Waterloo who is co-leading one of the foremost groups in computational rhetoric, RhetFIg. Randy will be delivering a talk on Thursday, 23rd March at 10am in the lab (QMB2.15), entitled “Chiastic figures and how they argue”. All welcome as usual.

Two new projects awarded

Posted by chris on December 8, 2016

In a week of good news, funding has just been announced for two new projects in ARG-tech. €290k has been awarded to the group by the VW foundation for a collaboration with the University of Konstanz to fund the appointment of Brian Pluss under the guidance of Katarzyna Budzynska and Chris Reed to work on Augmented Deliberative Democracy (ADD-up). Alison Pease has secured a further £125k from EPSRC for a project on Example-driven machine-human collaboration in mathematics. The project aims to develop mixed-initiative mathematics in which multiple parties, both human and machine, collaborate in order to produce novel research mathematics. Both projects will start in 2017.

Rory Duthie wins Best Paper at COMMA

Posted by chris on September 16, 2016

We are delighted to report that Rory Duthie has been awarded Best Student Paper Prize at the 6th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2016) in Potsdam. Rory has just started the second year of his PhD under the supervision of Katarzyna Budzynska, and was awarded the prize for his paper, Mining Ethos in Political Debate.

Argumentation and ARG-tech in New Scientist

Posted by chris on September 15, 2016

In a great bit of profile-raising for the research areas of computational models of argument and argument mining, the British popular science magazine, New Scientist, has a feature on the topic in its current issue. The article includes some description of our work with IBM and with the BBC Moral Maze data. In addition, the feature is further highlighted by a leader article.

ARG-tech at COMMA

Posted by chris on September 12, 2016

The Centre for Argument Technology is delighted to again have a strong showing at the Conference on Computational Models of Argument. This is the 6th edition of the biennial COMMA and is being hosted in Potsdam this week.


Members of the Centre have contributed to a total of four papers at the conference:

  • Duthie, R., Budynska, K & Reed, C.A. (2016) “Mining Ethos in Political Debate”
  • Janier, M., Snaith, M., Budzynska, K., Lawrence, J. & Reed, C.A. (2016) “A System for Dispute Mediation: The Mediation Dialogue Game”
  • Lawrence, J. & Reed, C.A. (2016) “Argment Mining using Argumentation Scheme Structures”
  • Lawrence, J., Duthie, R. Budzysnka, K. & Reed, C.A. (2016) “Argument Analytics”

In addition we have two further papers in the COMMA workshop on Foundations of the Language of Argumentation:

  • Koszowy, M. & Budzynska, K. (2016) “Towards a Model for Ethotic Structures in Dialogical Context”
  • Konat, B., Budzynska, K. & Saint-Dizier, P. (2016) “Rephrase in Argument Structure”

Finally, Kasia Budzynska is also delivering a keynote at the COMMA Summer School on Argumentation:

  • Budzynska, K. “Arguments and Ethos in Dialogical Context”

We look forward to seeing you there.

Chrysanne Di Marco visiting this week

Posted by chris on August 29, 2016

We are delighted to welcome Prof. Chrysanne Di Marco from the University of Waterloo in Canada who is visiting us for the week. In addition to various meetings to explore links between ARG-tech and the Computational Rhetoric group at Waterloo, Chrysanne will also be giving a talk in the ARG lab this Thursday (1 September) afternoon, 2pm-4pm.

Prakash Poudyal visiting this week

Posted by chris on August 15, 2016

We are delighted to welcome Prakash Poudyal who is visiting us for the week to learn more about techniques for argument mining. Prakash comes to us from the University of Evora in Portugal, where he is an ERASMUS Mundus student.