Upcoming Scottish Workshop on Argument Mining

Posted by chris on June 12, 2014

The Centre for Argument Technology at the University of Dundee is organising a workshop on Argument Mining under the auspices of SICSA, focusing on links with Information Extraction, Information Retrieval and Text Mining. The workshop will be opened by Marie-Francine Moens, head of the Language Intelligence and Information retrieval (LIIR) research group at Leuven and SICSA Distinguished Visiting Fellow.

The event is hosted by the School of Computing at the University of Dundee, 9-10 July 2014, and invites expressions of interest for participation.

More information can be found on the workshop homepage.

Centre For Argument Technology

Posted by chris on June 9, 2014

We’re changing! To mark the fact that the group is growing and to reflect the focus for which we are known, we are forming a new Centre for Argument Technology. You will be able to find us online at arg-tech.org, but all the old contact details will continue to work.

The new Centre is organising a host of exciting events over the coming months, including a workshop on Argument Mining, a graduate Summer School on Argumentation and (with the University of Aberdeen), COMMA 2014. More details will follow shortly.

Corpus Management Tools Released

Posted by chris on April 29, 2014

We are this week releasing a set of simple tools for using AIFdb to manage argument corpus resources. All of our previously released corpora are available as datasets in AIFdb, including AraucariaDB.

The tools are available at corpora.aifdb.org, and there is a short video describing how to use them:

New version of Arvina

Posted by chris on October 1, 2013

A new version of the dialogue support tool Arvina is coming together. Arvina

  • accepts any dialogue protocol specification (expressed using an extended version of DGDL),
  • allows an arbitrary starting point in the Argument Web,
  • automatically creates agents which are populated with data corresponding to statements that individuals have contributed to the Argument Web, and then
  • supports an online mixed initiative debate involving one or more users plus the automatically created agents, which
  • updates the Argument Web with appropriate AIF structures as the dialogue proceeds.

You can see a sneak preview of fully generalised mixed initiative argumentation in this video.

Continue reading

Mathilde Janier joins ARG:dundee

Posted by chris on September 1, 2013

A busy summer of appointments concludes with Mathilde Janier joining the group as a PhD student. She will be working in cooperation with Mark Snaith on the DrEAMS project funded by the Leverhulme Trust. The project aims to develop an argument mapping tool underpinned by the AIF to model dialogue structures for dispute mediation.

Mathilde comes to us from IRIT Toulouse, where she worked with Patrick St Dizier on computational models of discourse.

Alison Pease joins ARG:dundee

Posted by chris on August 1, 2013

We are delighted to welcome Alison Pease to the group as a permanent new lecturer.

Alison’s research interests include investigating patterns of reasoning in mathematics and building computational representations of these findings, with the long term goal that human mathematicians regard machines as fellow mathematicians and worthy collaborators in their own right. In particular, she has investigated theories of social interaction between mathematicians, the role of counterexamples, metaphors, conceptual blending, analogical reasoning and representation in mathematics. She also has a long term interest in Computational Creativity and is particularly active on theoretical aspects, helping to develop a rigorous, computationally detailed and plausible account of how creation by software could occur.

She holds an MA in Mathematics and Philosophy, from the University of Aberdeen, and a MSc and PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh. She has held research positions at the University of Edinburgh, Imperial College London and Queen Mary, University of London, and has lectured on Ludic Computing at Imperial College London. She has around 50 peer-reviewed publications, has delivered over 40 conference and invited talks, and has been instrumental in winning three grants, totaling nearly £3m (CP-FP-INFSO 611553, €2.89m: co-author, “Coinvent: Concept Creation Theory”, Oct 2013 – Sept, 2016; e-Science mini-theme proposal, £43,581.50: lead author, December 2010 – June, 2011; EP/F035594/1, £514,047: lead author, “A Cognitive Model of Axiom Formulation and Reformulation with Application to AI and software engineering”, May 2008 – April 2011).

She will be teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate courses on argumentation, as well as a postgraduate course on research methods.

Scottish Argumentation Day 2013

Posted by chris on June 26, 2013

The 2013 Scottish Argumentation Day will be hosted by ARG:dundee on Friday 19th July. The main aim of the day is to allow researchers in argumentation and related fields from across Scotland and further afield to come together and present their work in an informal setting. The day follows on from the successful first meeting held in Aberdeen in 2011. For more details, please contact Mark Snaith.

Congratulations to Dr Quinlan

Posted by chris on June 25, 2013

Many congratulations to Phil Quinlan, who this morning successfully defended his PhD thesis. he was examined by Dr. Benjamin Jefferys (UCL), Prof. Shaun Treweek (Aberdeen) and Prof. Simon Herrington (Dundee). Phil is currently working with the University of Dundee at Ninewells Hospital.

Katarzyna Budzynska joins ARG:dundee

Posted by chris on June 17, 2013

We welcome to our team dr. hab. Katarzyna Budzynska, who starts as a new permanent member of ARG:dundee this month. She is appointed as a Dundee Fellow, a permanent position equivalent to lecturer with a reduced teaching load to allow focus on research.

Katarzyna works in the area of formal models of communicative processes of argumentation, dialogue and persuasion, and was a visitor in the group in 2010. She has an MA in economics (1998) from the Warsaw School of Economics (Dept. of Mathematical Economics), a PhD in logic (2002) from the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (Dept. of Logic) and a habilitation in philosophy (2013) from the Polish National Academy of Sciences. Since 2008, she has published over 30 peer-reviewed papers, amongst which 12 appeared in journals such as Synthese (ERA: A*) and Fundamenta Informaticae (ERA: B). She has won the equivalent of over 120,000 GBP grant funding from the Polish Ministry and the Swiss Sciex Programme. Budzynska is head of the research group ZeBRaS (Research Group of Formal Applied Rhetoric). In 2008, she co-founded, and has since then, acted as coordinator of the nationwide ArgDiaP initiative, which has as its main goal coordination of the activities of the Polish School of Argumentation.

In the School of Computing, Katarzyna Budzynska is joining the Argumentation Research Group working in the interdisciplinary area between computer science and philosophy, and she will also champion new postgraduate teaching from the group. She will be working with us half time, dividing her time between Dundee and the Polish National Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.

Vacancy for a PhD studentship

Posted by Mark on April 10, 2013

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship in argumentation for dispute mediation, funded by the Leverhulme Trust.

The studentship forms part of a project which aims to develop a theoretical foundation to underpin practical tools for argument-supported dispute mediation. The successful applicant will have the freedom to explore an area that is relevant to both the project and their own research interests including, but not limited to: philosophical and/or computational models of dialogue and argument; mediation theory and practice; computational linguistics. The studentship will be held in the Argumentation Research Group in the School of Computing at the University of Dundee.

At the most recent RAE, the School’s research was rated fourth in Scotland, with two thirds of its research rated world leading or internationally excellent (4* or 3*). Dundee has been ranked amongst the top places for scientists to work in the world (The Scientist), and has one of the lowest costs of living in the UK.

Stipendiary payments are at UK research council levels (£13,590 tax-free for academic year 2012/13). Applicants should typically have, or be expecting, a first or upper second class degree in an appropriate subject. Interest in, or exposure to, dispute mediation or philosophical or computational argumentation would be a distinct advantage.

Further details are available from the DrEAMS project page. Applicants should send a CV with a covering letter to Professor Chris Reed, School of Computing, University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN, or by email to c.a.reedATdundee.ac.uk, by the closing date, 30 June 2013.