We welcome to our team dr. hab. Katarzyna Budzynska, who starts as a new permanent member of ARG:dundee this month. She is appointed as a Dundee Fellow, a permanent position equivalent to lecturer with a reduced teaching load to allow focus on research.
Katarzyna works in the area of formal models of communicative processes of argumentation, dialogue and persuasion, and was a visitor in the group in 2010. She has an MA in economics (1998) from the Warsaw School of Economics (Dept. of Mathematical Economics), a PhD in logic (2002) from the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (Dept. of Logic) and a habilitation in philosophy (2013) from the Polish National Academy of Sciences. Since 2008, she has published over 30 peer-reviewed papers, amongst which 12 appeared in journals such as Synthese (ERA: A*) and Fundamenta Informaticae (ERA: B). She has won the equivalent of over 120,000 GBP grant funding from the Polish Ministry and the Swiss Sciex Programme. Budzynska is head of the research group ZeBRaS (Research Group of Formal Applied Rhetoric). In 2008, she co-founded, and has since then, acted as coordinator of the nationwide ArgDiaP initiative, which has as its main goal coordination of the activities of the Polish School of Argumentation.
In the School of Computing, Katarzyna Budzynska is joining the Argumentation Research Group working in the interdisciplinary area between computer science and philosophy, and she will also champion new postgraduate teaching from the group. She will be working with us half time, dividing her time between Dundee and the Polish National Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.