Join us

The Centre for Argument Technology has a strong programme of short-term and long-term visitors, and often has vacancies at all levels of career stage.

  • Vacancies. From time to time there are vacancies for permanent and fixed term positions in the group. You can check the latest opportunities at our vacancies page.
  • Research visitors. We have a vibrant programme of visiting researchers who take on a specific piece of research for a period typically between one and twelve months. Details of the programme are available.
  • Visiting speakers. The Centre also invites colleagues to join us for a few days to a few weeks to give one or more talks or contribute to our series of masterclasses. If you are interested in contributing, please send us an email.
  • Internship Programme. The Centre has a highly selective internship programme by which undergraduate students can be funded to spend a period working with us. More details are available at the programme’s page.