A full beta of several key parts of the infrastructure for the Argument Web are released today.
AIF-compliant Argument Web servers at Dundee provide the backend support, though you can also download the database schema if you want to host your own.
The databases here include examples from a number of popular tools including Rationale, Carneades and Araucaria, along with additional arguments analysed and produced as a part of the EPSRC-funded Dialectical Argumentation Machines project.
Access to the databases is via a search interface which provides access to both entire argument maps and a dynamically navigable claim-to-claim view.
Finally, the AIFdb at Dundee also provides import and export functionality to form Argument Web interfaces to Rationale, Carneades and Araucaria, as well as providing export to DOT and SVG. Existing files in these formats can be uploaded online, and argument maps can be downloaded from the AIFdb interface. The ontology which drives the Argument Web is expressed in OWL, and all resources are also submittable and available from the databases in RDF.
In the coming weeks, additional tools for updating, manipulating, searching and navigating argument web resources will also be made available along with APIs and other programmatic interfaces.