Floris today successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled Evidence for a Good Story: A Hybrid Theory of Arguments, Stories and Criminal Evidence in Groningen, the Netherlands. His thesis work was supervised by Henry Prakken, Bart Verheij and Peter van Koppen.
- Abstract: The thesis develops a theory of reasoning with the evidence and facts in the context of criminal cases. In the literature two approaches to such reasoning have been proposed: argumentation and storytelling. It is discussed how stories and arguments can be combined in one hybrid theory, which is presented both in a formal logic as well as informally. Furthermore, criteria that a good story or argument should meet are given and a formal-logical dialogue game, which aims to concretise these criteria, is presented.
- Summary
- Citation: F.J. Bex, Evidence for a Good Story: A Hybrid Theory of Arguments, Stories and Criminal Evidence. (2009) Doctoral Dissertation, University of Groningen.