ARG-tech has a strong showing at the first European Conference on Argumentation in Lisbon this week. There are six papers from the group:
- Kasia Budzynska, Mathilde Janier, Juyeon Kang, Chris Reed, Patrick Saint-Dizier, Manfred Stede, Olena Yaskorska & Basia Konat – Automatically identifying transitions between locutions in dialogue
- Mathilde Janier, Mark Aakhus, Kasia Budzynska & Chris Reed – Modeling argumentative activity with Inference Anchoring Theory: The case of impasse
- John Lawrence, Mathilde Janier & Chris Reed – Working with Open Argument Corpora
- Dave Murray-Rust, Joseph Corneli, Alison Pease, Ursula Martin & Mark Snaith – Synchronised multi-perspective analysis of online mathematical argument
- Mark Snaith & Chris Reed – Dialogue Grammar Induction
- Olena Yaskorska & Mathilde Janier – Applying Inference Anchoring Theory for Argumentative Structure Recognition in the Context of Debate
We look forward to seeing you there.