In addition to advertising a permanent research position (see arg.tech/2023PDRA01) the Centre for Argument Technology is now also opening a call for applications for fully-funded PhD studentships.
We currently run a portfolio of research projects for government, charity and commercial funders in the UK, US, EU, Germany, Portugal and Switzerland worth over £1m per year and with many dependencies between these projects, we need people to join the team and help drive forward the research of the Centre. This is a unique opportunity for someone with interest and expertise in working with argumentation to join a world-leading research group – regardless of their disciplinary background. If you think you would be a good fit, we would be keen to hear from you regardless of whether you have a first degree in philosophy, linguistics, literature, communication, cognitive science, AI, mathematics, engineering, economics, international relations, law, or any other cognate disciplines.
Applications are invited across the full range of interdisciplinary research in the Centre, with more details available online.
Applications are accepted by sending cover letter and CV to jobs@arg.tech Closing date is 23 September 2023.