We’re excited to be launching software with BBC News today.
Following up on the success of our work livetweeting argument analytics with BBC Radio 4’s Moral Maze and an associated Test Your Argument app last October, we have a new deployment of software to encourage thinking about thinking in partnership with BBC News. BBC News and BBC Academy are responsible for School Report, an educational initiative for improving critical thinking skills and helping young people distinguish real news from fake. BBC School Report is being made available to 1000 schools. For 11 to 15 year olds, the BBC is partnering with Aardman Animations in providing an educational game around the theme of fake news. For the older age group of 16-18 year olds, the BBC is partnering with the Centre for Argument Technology to deliver The Evidence Toolkit, for helping users analyse news articles to help them better understand what’s fake and what’s not. With a second phase to be released in a couple of days, this software represents the world’s first large-scale deployment of argument mining technology in the wild, and we’re thrilled that our research in the area can contribute to an educational mission led by the BBC focusing on such a pressing issue as fake news.
The full story is available with the BBC.