Eight Years of CMNA

Posted by chris on February 13, 2008

The International Workshop on Computational Models of Natural Argument (CMNA) has been running for eight years, and there is now a website that for the first time draws together all the CMNA workshops and (almost) all of the papers that have been presented at them. CMNA has a tradition of attracting a broad interdisciplinary audience with perhaps an increasing emphasis on natural, i.e. real, arguments and the computational systems that model, engage with, generate, analyse, aggregate, transform and mediate such arguments. ARG:dundee has a long association with the series – Chris has co-organised them with Floriana Grasso and other colleagues since the start in 2001, and various members of the team have had papers in very nearly every event.

CMNA is unusual because it doesn’t publish proceedings (though there was a special issue of IJIS publishing revised versions of the best papers from 2001-3, and another special issue is due). Instead, it is designed to foster creative discussion. If you’re interested, the next installment will be hosted by ECAI’2008.