Araucaria in Polish

Posted by chris on December 8, 2010

A project to support analysis of argumentation in Polish has recently been completed.

In May 2010, the Polish version of Araucaria, called Araucaria-PL, was released. Araucaria-PL is the first and only tool for argument analysis and diagramming that has a Polish language interface and Polish schemesets. The entire package can be downloaded as the zip file

Araucaria-PL has been used to create first online corpus of analyzed Polish argumentation, ArgDB-pl. ArgDB-pl is developed as a Polish version of ArgDB. Both corpora are built on the open AIF standard for argument representation.

Araucaria-PL and ArgDB-pl are the result of a project coordinated by Katarzyna Budzyńska (from Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw) and completed during her visit to ARG:dundee in 2009-10 supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education Program “Support for International Mobility of Scientists”. The project team also included Andrzej Nowacki and Joanna Skulska.